100+ Awesome Short Story Writing Prompts

Short Story Writing Prompts functions as a springboard, encompassing a starting point, question, statement, or scenario. Its purpose is to ignite inspiration within writers, serving as the foundation upon which narratives are constructed. Effective story prompts share these characteristics:

  • Open-ended nature that encourages various interpretations.
  • Encompass intriguing scenarios, conflicts, or thought-provoking questions.
  • Fusion of disparate genres, themes, or elements to ignite creativity.
  • Conciseness combined with sufficient detail to activate the imagination.
  • Consideration of cultural, emotional, and relatable aspects to engage writers.

100+ Awesome Short Story Writing Prompts

Fantasy: (Short Story Writing Prompts 1 to 22)

  1. Write a story that begins with the line: “The door creaked open, revealing…”
  2. Imagine a world where dreams are tangible objects that can be bought and sold.
  3. Describe a hidden library that contains books with stories so powerful they come to life.
  4. Write from the perspective of a tree witnessing the changing seasons and human interactions.
  5. Create a dialogue between two characters who find a message in a bottle on a deserted island.
  6. Describe a city where every building has its own personality and communicates with its inhabitants.
  7. Write about a person who wakes up with a new superpower every day for a week.
  8. Write a letter from a character to their future self, revealing their hopes and fears.
  9. Write about a character who discovers a magical painting that allows them to enter different worlds.
  10. Invent a new holiday and write a story about how it’s celebrated in a unique way.
  11. Create a story based on a myth or legend from a culture different from your own.
  12. Invent a fantasy race and write a story from the perspective of a member of that race.
  13. Write a story about a painter who can bring their artwork to life.
  14. Imagine a city where music is forbidden, and a group of rebels secretly keeps it alive.
  15. Describe a universe where humans coexist with mythical creatures like dragons and unicorns.
  16. Create a dialogue between a human and an alien trying to understand each other’s cultures.
  17. Invent a new form of transportation and write about its impact on society.
  18. Create a story about a group of people with the ability to control the four elements.
  19. Imagine a society where personal memories can be shared and experienced by others.
  20. Imagine a society where physical appearance is determined by personality traits.
  21. Write a story about a detective solving a crime in a world where lies physically manifest.
  22. Invent a culture that communicates exclusively through art and symbolism.

Science Fiction: (Short Story Writing Prompts 23 to 43)

23. Write about a character who discovers they can time-travel, but only to revisit their own memories.

  1. Imagine a future where emotions are bought and sold, and the rich are the happiest.
  2. Imagine a society where thoughts are visible as floating words above people’s heads.
  3. Imagine a future where AI technology has replaced all forms of human creativity.
  4. Invent a world where technology has advanced to the point of controlling the weather.
  5. Imagine a future where virtual reality becomes indistinguishable from real life.
  6. Imagine a future where people can transfer their consciousness into different bodies.
  7. Imagine a world where humans live alongside friendly extraterrestrial beings.
  8. Imagine a future where humans coexist with sentient, anthropomorphic animals.
  9. Imagine a world where people have the ability to control their dreams.
  10. Create a story about a time traveler who accidentally alters the course of history.
  11. Write a story set in a post-apocalyptic world where nature has reclaimed the cities.
  12. Write about a character who discovers a hidden room in their childhood home.
  13. Create a dialogue between two characters who find an ancient, mysterious artifact.
  14. Describe a time-traveling tour guide taking tourists to witness historic events.
  15. Invent a form of communication that transcends language barriers and write a story using it.
  16. Create a story about a person who can enter the world of paintings and interact with the subjects.
  17. Write a story set in a future where people can switch bodies to experience different lives.
  18. Create a dialogue between a human and an artificial intelligence developing self-awareness.
  19. Invent a new holiday and write a story about how it’s celebrated in a unique way.
  20. Create a story set in a reality where technology is powered by people’s emotions.

Magical Realism: (Short Story Writing Prompts 44 to 65)

44. Describe a restaurant where the food has magical effects on those who consume it.

  1. Invent a magical item with transformative properties and write about its journey.
  2. Write about a character who discovers a hidden portal to an alternate dimension.
  3. Invent a society where people can temporarily swap personalities with others.
  4. Describe a character who can communicate with animals, leading to unexpected adventures.
  5. Write about a character who has the ability to manipulate dreams.
  6. Imagine a world where dreams are recorded and shared as a form of entertainment.
  7. Write about a musician who can create tangible objects through their music.
  8. Invent a character who can taste people’s emotions.
  9. Write from the perspective of a sentient robot reflecting on its existence.
  10. Write a story about a time traveler who accidentally brings back a historical figure to the present.
  11. Describe a character who possesses the power of telekinesis and its consequences.
  12. Write from the perspective of an item that holds sentimental value to its owner.
  13. Imagine a world where memories can be extracted and relived as if they were movies.
  14. Invent a character who can hear the whispers of the natural world.
  15. Write about a character who discovers a hidden portal to an alternate dimension.
  16. Create a story about a sentient robot searching for its purpose in a post-apocalyptic world.
  17. Write a story about a person who can enter and explore the dreams of others.
  18. Create a dialogue between two characters who find a mysterious portal to another world.
  19. Describe a character who can communicate with ghosts.
  20. Write from the perspective of an inanimate object witnessing a pivotal moment in history.
  21. Invent a magical item with transformative properties and write about its journey.

Dystopian/Social Commentary: (Short Story Writing Prompts 66 to 86)

66. Imagine a society where emotions are regulated by the government to maintain societal harmony.

  1. Describe a society where personal memories can be shared and experienced by others.
  2. Write a story set in a society where books are forbidden, and a secret group keeps literature alive.
  3. Write a story about a detective solving a crime in a world where lies physically manifest.
  4. Describe a world where people’s appearances change based on their emotions.
  5. Invent a culture that communicates exclusively through art and symbolism.
  6. Describe a society where art is forbidden, and a group of rebels preserves artistic expression.
  7. Write a story set in a post-apocalyptic world where nature has reclaimed the cities.
  8. Imagine a future where AI technology has replaced all forms of human creativity.
  9. Write about a character who discovers a hidden room in their childhood home.
  10. Imagine a society where physical appearance is determined by personality traits.
  11. Create a story about a group of rebels fighting against a powerful and oppressive government.
  12. Imagine a future where people can transfer their consciousness into different bodies.
  13. Imagine a world where humans live alongside friendly extraterrestrial beings.
  14. Write a story about a painter who can bring their artwork to life.
  15. Invent a new form of transportation and write about its impact on society.
  16. Create a story about a time traveler who accidentally alters the course of history.
  17. Invent a new holiday and write a story about how it’s celebrated in a unique way.
  18. Write about a character who gains the ability to speak and understand all languages overnight.
  19. Create a dialogue between a human and an alien trying to understand each other’s cultures.
  20. Write from the perspective of an inanimate object witnessing a pivotal moment in history.

Nature and Environment: (Short Story Writing Prompts 87 to 101)

87. Write from the perspective of a tree witnessing the changing seasons and human interactions.

  1. Imagine a town where everyone’s memories are periodically erased.
  2. Invent a society where people can temporarily swap personalities with others.
  3. Describe a restaurant where the food has magical effects on those who consume it.
  4. Write a poem inspired by a natural phenomenon, such as a solar eclipse or a meteor shower.
  5. Invent a species with a unique form of communication and write about their interactions.
  6. Create a dialogue between two characters trapped in an elevator during a power outage.
  7. Describe a character who can hear the thoughts of inanimate objects.
  8. Write a story inspired by a childhood memory that has a deeper meaning.
  9. Invent a universe where humans coexist with mythical creatures like dragons and unicorns.
  10. Create a story about a person who can taste people’s emotions.
  11. Describe a time-traveling tour guide taking tourists to witness historic events.
  12. Write about a character who discovers a hidden portal to an alternate dimension.
  13. Write from the perspective of a character living in a world without color.
  14. Write a story on poor farmer with magic seeds


  1. What is a story prompt?

A story prompt is a starting point, question, statement, or scenario that serves as inspiration for writers to create stories. It provides the initial idea or concept around which writers can build their narratives.

2. How do I create effective story prompts? To create effective story prompts:

  • Make them open-ended, allowing for diverse interpretations.
  • Include intriguing scenarios, conflicts, or questions.
  • Combine different genres, themes, or elements to spark creativity.
  • Keep them concise while providing enough detail to stimulate imagination.
  • Consider cultural, emotional, and relatable aspects.

3. What are some common types of story prompts? Common types include:

  • Opening line prompts that begin a story.
  • Scenario prompts that describe a situation or setting.
  • Dialogue prompts that involve character interactions.
  • Concept prompts that explore unique ideas or themes.

4. How can I use story prompts for writing? You can use prompts to:

  • Kick-start your writing sessions.
  • Overcome writer’s block.
  • Experiment with new genres and themes.
  • Practice writing exercises and hone your skills.

5. Can I modify a story prompt to fit my style? Absolutely! Prompts are meant to inspire, so feel free to adapt or expand on them to match your writing style and preferences.

6. Are there prompts for specific genres? Yes, there are prompts tailored for various genres, like fantasy, sci-fi, romance, mystery, and more. Choosing prompts aligned with your preferred genre can help you explore its conventions and tropes.

7. How do I use prompts to develop characters? Start by placing your character within the prompt’s scenario and consider how they would react, feel, and evolve. Develop their personality, motivations, flaws, and growth as you build the story.

8. Can I use prompts for longer stories or novels? Definitely! While prompts are often used for short stories, they can be expanded into longer narratives or even novel ideas. You can use multiple prompts or develop one prompt into a more intricate plot.

9. Where can I find story prompts? You can find prompts online through writing websites, social media, writing communities, and even by generating prompts yourself based on personal interests, news, or random word combinations.

10. How do I credit the source of a prompt if I use it in my work? If you’re using a prompt created by someone else, it’s courteous to acknowledge their contribution. You can mention the source in your work’s introduction or credits, providing a link or reference to the original prompt if possible.

Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash

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